The Hopeful Romantic Directed by Topel Lee; stars Pepe Herrera, Ritz Azul, Jenine Desiderio, Vangie Labalan
Thirtysomething virgin falls for a wily, worldly mistress. Lee recounts that “it was fun working with Pepe and Ritz. They suggested lots of jokes. That was why I didn’t have a hard time on the set.” He recalls that the duo’s laughter was contagious. “We came up with different hilarious scenarios for the audience.”
Thirtysomething virgin falls for a wily, worldly mistress. Lee recounts that “it was fun working with Pepe and Ritz. They suggested lots of jokes. That was why I didn’t have a hard time on the set.” He recalls that the duo’s laughter was contagious. “We came up with different hilarious scenarios for the audience.”
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